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AFTI Membership
As a prerequisite, all members are required to be holders of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, as a minimum, and must take the AFTI’s Accreditation Test in translation and/or interpreting from and/or to English, Arabic, Mandarin, Malay, Bahasa Indonesia, Tagalog, and Korean, (more languages to be included soon).
AFTI’s Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters is a universal, nationwide professional qualification test open to people from all walks of life. It evaluates participants’ translation or interpreting competence and certifies those qualified.
The AFTI’s test has been launched since 2021 through scientific, objective, and fair evaluation of the capabilities of translators and interpreters. The test aims to strengthen industrial management, regulate the employment market, and promote talent selection for the translation and interpreting industry, and by aligning the translation and interpreting industry of Asia with that of the world. This test provides a bilingual assessment of general translators and interpreters, Asia-related international business practitioners, and application-oriented foreign language users to meet the demands of lingual proficiency testing of people from all walks of life around the world.
Membership is divided into three classes:
Any translator who meets qualification requirements and satisfactorily passes the AFTI translator accreditation test.
Any interpreter who meets qualification requirements and satisfactorily passes the AFTI interpreter accreditation test.
Any translator/interpreter who meets qualification requirements and satisfactorily passes the AFTI translator/interpreter accreditation test, but does not hold a 4-year university degree in translation.
Application for Membership
Applications for membership are submitted by completing the TEST APPLICATION FORM. The AFTI Member Services Unit processes all applications for membership, arranges for certification testing, and informs applicants of the status of their applications. Qualified applicants can take the test at any nearby official AFTI Accreditation Test office. Verification of original certificates and supporting documents by the AFTI accreditation examiner may be required.
Tests are sent to the Accreditation Committee for evaluation, and the names of certified members are published on the AFTI website. Certified members can order a digital certificate.
We have official AFTI accreditation examiners in several countries, including but not limited to, Malaysia, China, Europe, Australia, and the Middle East. Our examiners network continues to expand, as more examiners are added to our growing list.
For enquiry regarding the membership application form please email us at: