About AFTI

The Asian Federation of Translators and Interpreters (AFTI) is a non-profit professional body established on the awareness of the need to establish a federation to serve as an umbrella for all translators, interpreters, and language service providers in Asia, in an effort to promote, protect, and further sustain professionalism among them. It is also hoped that this body will be able to fight for and recognize their position internationally.

We have more than 120 professional members and training institutes are affiliated with us, representing more than 150 translators/interpreters and language service providers from 8 countries. The goal of the federation is to be the first one-stop federation leading the profession of translation and interpreting in Asia and to promote professionalism in the disciplines it represents. And we strongly believe in serving the needs of translators, interpreters, and language practitioners in Asia.

Function of AFTI

  • Manage, operate, and administrate translation training, services, and outcomes in a competent, accurate, and professional manner.
  • Support academic and higher education intuitions with professional and industrial experts in T&I.
  • Collaborate with academic and industrial institutions to provide workshops, training courses, and consultations in T&I.
  • Prepare translators and interpreters for the labour market.
  • Verify true, accurate, and quality translations in all aspects for all customers from government bodies and the private sector, as well as within and outside the country.
  • Enhance the position of translators in the community both inside and outside of the country by supporting and promoting translation’s status as a legitimate profession.
  • Create and improve a team of professional translators, interpreters, and subject-matter experts.
  • Conduct activities, like conferences, events, etc., which may be useful for developing the professional competence of members of the Federation.


To be the first one-stop federation leading the profession of translation and interpreting in Asia.

About Our Journals

We support researchers and academicians so they are able to make a profound difference in their research. We do so by publishing research with open access, making it freely available online immediately to the largest possible audience.

We have 3 main journals as follows:

International Journal of Translation and Interpreting-IJTI

World Journal of English and Linguistic Studies-WJELS

International Journal of Language Teaching and Education Studies-IJLTES

Focus and Scope

Founded in 2021, Translation & Interpreting, English & Linguistics, and Language Teaching & Education Studies are double-blind peer-reviewed international journals that seek to create a cross-fertilization between research, training, and professional practice. These journals aim to publish high-quality, research-based, original articles that highlight the applications of research results to the improvement of T&I, English and Linguistics, Language Teaching and Education, training and practice. Our journals welcome contributions not only from well-known senior scholars but also from early-career researchers in the field. Hosted by the Asian Federation of Translators and Interpreters (AFTI)-Malaysia, the journals are universally accessible to researchers, educators, students, and practitioners of translation and interpreting, as well as to others interested in these disciplines. The journals do not charge any access or publication fees and published bimonthly.

We welcome original, theoretical, and practical submissions from all over the world.

Open Access Policy

This is an open-access journal, i.e., all articles are immediately and permanently free to read, download, copy, and distribute.

Article Processing Charges (APC)

All articles published in our journals are accessible electronically for FREE from the journal website without the need for subscription fees or other forms of payment from the readers or authors. Our journals are self-supporting journals and do not receive funding from any institution or government. These journals do not charge any article processing fees or submission fees.
